The Books Of KAMBUF

The Way Of The Archangel

Composed By: KING-KAMBUF - Of The Nation Of United African Kingdoms Of KAMBUF

The Books Of KAMBUF - "A Living Breathing Evolving Interactive - Online Digital Database Book

~ KAMBUF - GOD API-Interface (Voice Of God) AI-ML - System ~

May God Bless SPIFK With Discernment Of The Truth & Facts,.... - Amen -"Keepers Of The KAMBUF-NET A Secured National Data Gateway System"

What Is KAMBUF,......?

KAMBUF Is the African Rising Sun

KAMBUF Is the African Voice from Every Land

KAMBUF is the Foundation of our Nation

KAMBUF is a Lifestyle

KAMBUF is Discipline

KAMBUF is Excellence

KAMBUF is Greatness

KAMBUF is Honor

KAMBUF is African


KAMBUF is a Black African of Descent Movement,....

To Nationalize the African and the African Diaspora around the world,...

- Into -

The Nation Of United African Kingdoms Of KAMBUF,....!

The Largest Nation Of African Of Descent People - To Ever Exist,....!

The Nation Of KAMBUF is Formed under KING-KAMBUF Of

The Kingship Monarchy Of

The African Kingdom Of Tacoma-Seattle, WA UAK -


The Capital Of;

The Nation Of United African Kingdoms Of KAMBUF

The United Central African Kingdom Of The Congo - Africa


The African Kingdom of Ethiopia as the;

Holy African Kingdom of Enoch and our Spiritual Center Holy Land,...


KAMBUF Delivers a message of Greatness as a people and personally,...!

And of a personal relationship with God,..! Delivered unto us by the Archangel Michael -

As,....! God's - Chosen People to spread the doctrine of The Books Of KAMBUF unto the world,...!


KAMBUF is the African Of Descent People interpretations and understandings of the worlds collective cultures and religions,...! Documented and Recorded into -


The Books Of KAMBUF

The Book Of Structures

The Book Of Histories & Timelines

The Book Of Laws & Necessities

The Book Of Disciplines

The Book Of Practices

The Book Of Temples

The Book Of Kingdoms


Harmonized into a foundation of common goods, norms, and beliefs that highlight our commonality,...!

And pushes us Humans towards total acceptance of one another….!


KAMBUF is also a direct call for Athletes that Aspire for greatness, that understand that athletic ability it's an art form, that some may call other earthly,...

At Kam-Buf we teach the art of athletic combat. An Art form that enhances the human ability and transforms man into superhuman, Angel Touch, Warriors of God. -


KAMBUF also calls on All Great Minds of the World that believe in the impossible and that Africans of Descent People can Achieve the Impossible,....!

We Call on their fans and the fans of African Of Descent Peoples Culture,....!


To come together and Join the Nation of KAMBUF - and pledge your support to

The Nation Of United African Kingdoms Of KAMBUF
